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-- 作者:bless -- 发布时间:2008-12-08 20:29:10 -- 英国唱作人Luke Leighfield中国巡演成都站 此主题相关图片如下: |
-- 作者:bless -- 发布时间:2008-12-08 20:29:29 -- 英国唱作人Luke Leighfield中*巡演成都站 2008年12月26日周晚8时 小酒馆【芳沁店】 嘉宾乐队:马赛克 门票:30圆(请大家尽量准备零钞) 地址:成都市芳沁街87号附5号 小酒馆[芳沁店] 电话:028-85568552 028-85158790 |
-- 作者:bless -- 发布时间:2008-12-08 20:29:48 -- 英国最具潜力独立唱作人 年仅二十岁的音乐天才 清爽恬淡的独立流行曲调 可爱而忧郁的独特气质 Luke Leighfield中国巡演 Luke Leighfield这个可爱而略显傻气的英*小*,目前已经逐渐成为英国最受人瞩目的独立唱作人。出道仅仅3年,刚满20岁的Luke在整个欧洲演出已经超过300场。 1987年出生于英国*安普敦,他从4岁就开始学习钢琴,8岁开始学习小提琴。16岁那年,精通多种乐器Luke加入了中学的交响乐团,并开始在自己的家乡演出。2005年春天,17岁的Luke录制了自己的第一张DEMO,并开始了自己第一次英*巡演。之后,他开始在英*展露头角,许多独立厂牌开始关注这个初出茅庐的神奇小*。 2006年12月,Luke以Simply Luke Leighfield的名义发表了自己第一张专辑《Garde Ta Foy, Garde Ta Foy》。这张充满忧郁气质的专辑一经发表就好评如潮,除了在BBC独立音乐频道之外,还获得了权威音乐杂志NME的四星推荐。同时,Luke也得到了多家国以外的欧洲厂牌的青睐,并开始在欧洲各*巡演。 2007年年底,Luke发表了个人的第三张专辑《Fan The Flames》,这张专辑透露出Luke顽皮可爱一面的同时,也让Luke获得了更多的流行音乐的听众。2008年,Luke多次受邀参加欧洲大陆知名的独立音乐节, 2008年12月,Luke应火锅音乐的邀请,将首次来到中国进行巡演。 |
-- 作者:bless -- 发布时间:2008-12-08 20:31:19 -- 官方主页:www.lukeleighfield.com 官方MySpace:www.myspace.com/simplylukeleighfield Luke Leighfield Biography website: www.lukeleighfield.com www.myspace.com/simplylukeleighfield Luke Leighfield started playing piano aged four, forced into it by his loving parents. He started learning the violin aged eight, and then played in various orchestras up until the age of eighteen. While in sixth form he started playing guitar and singing in his first (awful) band \'Flatulent Mindy and the Badgers\', quickly followed by \'neitherbignorclever\' (awful) before making music that was vaguely listenable in his piano-rock outfit \'ALOMO\'. He quickly got bored of the hassle of being in a band, and started writing solo piano music in the spring of 2005, aged seventeen, in his last year of sixth form. A slew of (awful) demos followed over the next year, while Luke began studying English and Music at the University of Southampton. At the end of his academic year in May 2006 Luke was offered the chance to play violin for urban folk troubador Sam Duckworth aka Get Cape Wear Cape Fly. In the summer of 2006, when free time permitted, Luke recorded his debut album \'Garde Ta Foy, Garde Ta Foy\' with his drummer Dan Halliday at Dan\'s house in Malvern. Luke\'s time with Get Cape was coming to an end at the end of October, so Luke got busy booking shows on the internet, in houses, filthy pubs, whatever, for November and December. He ended up playing around forty shows at this time with Dan on drums, and Jonathan Jefferies on bass. Again, the hassle of a band became too much for Luke so he set off solo, but with the lovely Sam Isaac in tow, for an epic, gruelling tour schedule from the start of 2007 until he re-joined university in October 2007. Sam and Luke played pretty much every day during this time, with a particular highlight being a 42 dates in a row stretch for Luke from late January until mid-March. Luke managed to squeeze in more recording with Dan though, in the late spring / summer of 2007, which became his second album \'Fan The Flames\'. Luke finally managed to realise his dream of playing as a \'big band\' when he went on a co-headline tour with Sam Isaac and Tellison in September 2007 for six dates. These are probably the closest Luke has got to reproducing his recorded sound in a live setting. Touring slowed slightly (slightly being the operative word) as Luke started his second year at university. He played his 250th gig in London on the 3rd December with his big band. 2007 ended with Luke recording a live Radio 1 session for Huw Stephen on New Year\'s Eve, an appropriate reward for the work put in during the year. 2008 has so far brought more gigging (predictably) from Luke. He also plans to re-release his two albums as a double disc package, in addition to his debut single. In the summer he is scheduled to take his one man show to Europe for six weeks of dates. Stay tuned. |
-- 作者:bless -- 发布时间:2008-12-08 20:32:56 -- 整得好哦,顶一哈! |
-- 作者:看到房子不买 -- 发布时间:2008-12-09 13:00:39 -- 鼓掌,支持哈! |